The Future Of The Internet: Is It Open and Free?


Hosts Max Beverton-Palmer and Matt Nguyen are from the Internet Policy Unit at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. Max’s work focuses on social media, online regulation, and AI governance and ethics. Matt’s work focuses on digital rights, platform governance, and the future of the public sphere. In this salon, they will be discussing…


Understanding Addiction: A Series of Four Salons

Psychologist and neuroscientist Marc Lewis, along with drug policy reformer Shaun Shelly, will host a four-part salon series on the nature of addiction and new approaches to treatment and care. These salons will challenge the dominant but misguided disease model of addiction and replace it with progressive approaches that integrate emotional learning, environmental factors (family,…


This Is Where We Belong: Finding Connection and Community in Our Hybrid Lives


Join Isabela Granic as we consider radical social transformations developing across the globe, and how the science and practice of belonging helps us navigate the implications of those changes. Many of us have felt our most profound moments of loneliness in the last several years. Although the pandemic surely has played a major role, signs…


Love: A Show and Tell

Who says show and tell is just for kids? In Alma Cook's monthly miniseries, we'll discuss simple concepts in a collaborative way, using attendees' own selections from arts and culture as our springboard. Alma Cook is a singer-songwriter, business owner, and Braver Angels cultural ambassador. With many hats come many interests, including faith, economics, art, and communal living—but above…


The Embodiment of Evil: Adolf Eichmann vs Ellsworth Toohey


In this salon, Daniel Golliher dives into the nature of evil. Philosophers have approached the subject differently throughout time, but few as memorably as either Rand or Arendt.  This salon is the second of three in a mini-series comparing the thinkers Ayn Rand and Hannah Arendt.  Hannah Arendt famously called it banal while covering the…
