Introduction to Classical Music


In this introductory salon to this series all about classical music, host Linus Lu asks: what is classical music? What does it consist of, and what is it really about? How can one begin to approach this art form, which can be both so ubiquitous and obscure? Classical music is most definitely Bach, Mozart, and… Continue reading Introduction to Classical Music

The Story of Philosophy Series – Sir Francis Bacon


Join London ii Hosts Flick Hardingham and Irene JK to discuss and examine Sir Francis Bacon’s scientific philosophy and other views, exploring how his ideas might be relevant (or not) in today’s society and how they might serve us into the future.   Sir Francis Bacon, the father of modern sciences, lived from the mid-1500s…


A History of War Part IV – Defence: Is There a “Good Reaction” to War?


Interintellect founder Anna Gát continues her series A History of War with a look at the famous sieges of history, from Masada to Leningrad, from Málaga to Sarajevo, to explore the stages of how civilian life breaks down, but also human resilience, resourcefulness, and perseverance when under attack. We will touch upon deterrence and preemptive…


Understanding Women: Female Rivalry


In this salon, Raven Connolly leads a discussion that will address the following questions: What can female rivalry tell us about the nature of women? How do women express aggression, and under what circumstances? Why is beauty and sexual reputation such a focus of female scrutiny? How do our social environments encourage or discourage rivalry…


The Curation Series – Understanding the Curator (Part 1) with Patricia Hurducas


During this Interintellect Curation Series Patricia Hurducas will lead a discussion on the topic of curation in three parts: Understanding the Curator (Part 1), Copying the Curator (Part 2), and Becoming the Curator (Part 3). In the first part of the series - Understanding the Curator - we will explore the history of curation, the role…


The Story of Philosophy Series – How can the ideas of Spinoza lead us into a tolerant and progressive future?


Join London ii Hosts Flick Hardingham and Irene JK to discuss the life and philosophy of Baruch de Spinoza, exploring how his ideas might be relevant (or not) in today's society and how they might lead us into a tolerant and progressive future.  Baruch de Spinoza, a Dutch philosopher with Portuguese Jewish origins, was born in Amsterdam in…


Life According to Hollywood – Telling Stories that Captivate Others


In this new salon series, showrunner Balazs Juszt and his Hollywood friends dive into the truths and lies of storytelling: What can we take away from the psychological insights of screenwriting? What are the ways in which showbusiness lies to you? First episode guest: Peter Webber *** You go to your usual grocery store, or…


The Curation Series – Copying the Curator (Part 2) with Patricia Hurducas


During this Interintellect Curation Series Patricia Hurducas will lead a discussion on the topic of curation in three parts: Understanding the Curator (Part 1), Copying the Curator (Part 2), and Becoming the Curator (Part 3).   In the second part of the series - Copying the Curator - we will look at famous curators, favorite…


Hey Big Spender! – A Dead Economists Society Salon


The Dead Economists Society Salon series continues as Bronwyn Williams and Peter Isztin investigate big spending, big government economics and the rockstar economists who love them. "In the long run, we're all dead." ~ Keynes "Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die." ~ Dave Matthews In this Dead Economists Society Salon series, we jump right into one of…


The Curation Series – Becoming the Curator (Part 3) with Patricia Hurducas


During this Interintellect Curation Series Patricia Hurducas will lead a discussion on the topic of curation in three parts: Understanding the Curator (Part 1), Copying the Curator (Part 2), and Becoming the Curator (Part 3).   In the third part of the series - Becoming the Curator - we will discuss the museums of the…
