Emma by Jane Austen: Invention of the Modern Novel


Writer Henry Oliver continues the Western Canon Book Club series with a salon about one of the greatest ever novels. Jane Austen is often seen as a writer of romantic comedies and social manners. But she was also a great innovator. Emma is her most important novel and shows her at her most experimental. Her development of narrative technique…


Nietzsche on Death: Barbie’s Philosophical World


Want to better appreciate Greta Gerwig’s highbrow screenwriting, or been wanting to read some philosophy but need a bubblegum pink excuse? Join philosopher Ryan Miller for a series in which we read and discuss classic philosophical texts in conjunction with brief scenes from Barbie. I’m definitely not thinking about death anymore. The movie opens with…


The Science of Hidden Motives – With Robin Hanson

About Robin Hanson's book Elephant In the Brain (co-written by Kevin Simler): "Human beings are primates, and primates are political animals. Our brains are therefore designed not just to hunt and gather, but also to get ahead socially, often by devious means. But while we may be self-interested schemers, we benefit by pretending otherwise. The…