Self Compassion and Forgiveness


Hi, I’m Gina! I'm a therapist, avid learner and educator. I’ve spent time in many settings, ranging from mental hospitals to jails and schools, immersing myself in situations that require both survival and compassion. This episode of the Self-Compassion series will be on Self-Compassion and Forgiveness! How are they different and why does it matter? In…

How to Flourish Together: Reciprocity, Generosity, Attention, and Care


In the final salon in a series on human flourishing, join Ashley Zhang to discuss our obligations to each other and how we can better care for those we love. “The love of our neighbor in all its fullness simply means being able to say to him: ‘What are you going through?’ It is a…


Thinking about Not-Knowing #12: Broad Approaches


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. (NOTE: Different time for this episode as I'll be in Singapore.) What tools do we need to relate well to not-knowing? Episodes 11-13 of this series focus on tooling up: appropriate mindsets, approaches, and actual tools for thought and action. Episode 12 covers broad approaches informed…


The Beginning of Infinity: Objective Beauty


Join Phil Filippak for the next episode of a series about critical rationalism and major ideas from David Deutsch’s book The Beginning of Infinity. We’ll discuss beauty and its objectivity! Is it possible that all beauty is subject to yet unknown but stringent laws? May all paintings and sculptures and songs be described by some complicated but precise…


Thinking about Not-knowing #13: Tools for thought and action.


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. Good tools make work easier. What tools do we need to relate well to different types of not-knowing? Episode 13 of this series answers this questions. Some of the tools we’ll discuss include: Superordination during goal-setting. Clearly identifying non-goals. Using forced choices to reveal tradeoffs.…
