Death Over Coffee: The Positive Side of Death Anxiety

Join Maura McInerney-Rowley and Carolyn Gregorie to connect with kindred spirits and explore your relationship with death in a bi-weekly series. Gather with us every other Sunday for a cozy and intimate salon, where we delve into the latest edition of the Hello, Mortal newsletter. Embracing the concept of death contemplation as a wellness practice, our salon provides…

Exploring the Dynamics of Hope: Perspectives in Healthcare and Everyday Life


As an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Razan Baabdullah has thought about what hope means for her, her patients, and her team during tough times. So, she wrote a piece about hope. Join her for a conversation on hope, optimism, honesty, and agency in healthcare and everyday life. Hope, often conflated with optimism, can guide us…