NYC IRL: Inside the Emerging Psychedelic Underground in China

New York NY

Is taking ayahuasca the same in mainland China as in South America or downtown Manhattan? Join journalists Oshan Jarow and Shayla Love live in New York City in conversation with anthropologists Alex Gearin and Nicolas Langlitz on how culture influences psychedelic use and experience, and Alex’s ethnography of psychedelic use in China.  In the psychedelic…


Communities of the Future: How Do We Adapt our Social Technologies to Modern Times?


Miriam and Shahid have recently led several salons discussing community in the present and past. Now, building on the insights we’ve had together over the last months, we’ll turn our attention to what these insights can tell us about the future of community and living together. Whether you’ve been to one, two, or three of…


Anna Gát Chats With Two Kinderintellect Hosts: Montessori Guide Beatriz Freitas & Skoolie Homeschooler Martha Sharpe

Join Montessori Infant and Toddler Guide Beatriz Freitas, self-taught software engineer and homeschooling mother of five Martha Sharpe, and Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a casual fireside chat. Beatriz and…
