The Market Value of Contrarianism: Free Speech, Free Thought, and the Stock Market, A Discussion with Jim O’Shaugnessy

“Time spent arguing is, oddly enough, almost never wasted.”  ~Christopher Hitchens, Letters to a Young Contrarian From Socraties to Galileo to Hitchens, contrarians have always made life more, well, interesting (for themselves as well as everyone else).But in a noisy combative world of hot-takes and meme-stocks where every second Silicon Valley talking-head is a self-described…

The Peril and Promise of Local Politics


In this salon, fellow Interintellect Daniel Golliher will consider local politics, its prestige deficit, its aesthetic failings, and its hurdles to engagement; he and attendees will discuss why these things arise, but–more interestingly–how they might disappear.  When you think of local politics, you likely think of blank-faced people sitting in metal foldout chairs in some dilapidated civic…

Silent Salon With Anna Gát – An Interintellect Special

After a very enjoyable first Silent Salon, we continue this new tradition. Bring a book, your studies, your work to-do's, or your meditation practice, and let's spend 3 calm hours together, undistracted, in silence... *** If the early 21st century seemed hellbent on depriving us from silence, the current pandemic, with its various types of…

The Art of Comparison

Fellow Interintellect Maybe Gray explores the world of comparison that is so often hidden within the ways we think about ourselves, others Certainty and clarity are incredibly rare phenomena. In a wide variety of contexts we are all forced to make do without clear objective guides for understanding concepts. In the absence of objective information…

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano: Physical Wellbeing for Thinkers – Introduction.


This new track of monthly Interintellect Salons by Ben Fleming address the issues of how to be a physically fit and healthy intellectual: what’s beyond sitting and thinking? Save the date: this track of ii Salons will run on the first Monday of every month. The stereotypical intellectual is not a physically fit person. But it is…

Remix Culture: Using Combinatory Play To Create


Fellow Interintellect Alex Yao explores how polymaths and Internet remix culture use combinatory play to create new works. "Combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought." — Albert Einstein Nothing is original, everything is a remix. We build on what came before, and create by taking bits and pieces from our knowledge,…

Taxing things, not time; property not people – From Henry George to Glen Weyl and all sorts in-between


A kickoff for our new Dead Economists Society Salon series – hosted by Bronwyn Williams and Peter Isztin “Imagine a world in which all major private wealth (every factory, patent or plot of land) is constantly for sale at a fair price and where most of the value of this property is paid out equally to all citizens as a…

The Past is a Foreign Country: (How) Do We Moderns Think Differently?


In his debut Interintellect Salon, Cameron Harwick will examine the mindsets of our ancestors, and whether we have anything in common with them. It’s easy enough to see how we live differently from our ancestors. You’re reading this on a device that connects you instantly to people all over the world. For that matter, you’re reading it,…

Writer’s Corner: Short Fiction in Theory and Practice — Session 1: Raymond Carver


Zadie Smith, Carver, Fitzgerald… In this new Interintellect Salon series, Sylvia R helps us to master the art of short fiction – through reading some of the greatest short story writers together! “That's all we have, finally, the words, and they had better be the right ones.” ― Raymond Carver “Critics often use the term "minimalist"…

The Timeless Way of Building Part 2 – Interintellect Book Club


Join David Valerio as he continues his series on Christopher Alexander’s The Timeless Way of Building.  The Timeless Way of Building is a classic of architectural philosophy. It presents the organic, fractal, and down-to-earth way that we evolved buildings in the past, and serves as a biting critique of the top-down, authoritarian, and alienating approach to the “design” of…