Unlocking the World’s Potential: How Grants Are Taking Over As a Key Funding Model

Join Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a panel on grant making and grant winning with experts Atman Pandya (O'Shaughnessy Fellowships), Shruti Rajagopalan (Emergent Ventures India), Arnaud Schenk (Polaris), and Benjamin Yeoh (Then Do Better) 🚀. Are you interested in grant funding and how grants are won? Would you like to explore the current landscape and…

Let’s Play Eros: A Re-presentation of Plato’s Symposium


What if we could join Socrates and his friends in their famous discussion about Eros? In this salon we will "re-live" theatrically the discussion of Eros, as well as discuss how these ideas might help us illuminate the discussion of love and eroticism nowadays. Hosted and played by Juan José Díaz, Christophe Porot, and Epagogist. …



Join Dr. Jason Rheins, a scholar of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, for a salon on who Socrates (469-399 BCE) was, and what he can mean for us today. Socrates. The Oracle at Delphi proclaimed him the wisest of the Greeks, yet he supposedly claimed to know nothing but his own ignorance. He was poor…
