Interintellect 101: Public Minds Fellowship Twitter Spaces


Join us for “Interintellect 101: Public Minds Fellowship”! We will be holding this Twitter space for anyone and everyone (the general public, Interintellect hosts, or Intellect community members) to learn more about the Interintellect Public Minds Fellowship and ask questions. Interintellect team members Crystal Duan and Nicky Buttigieg will be joined by some of the…

How to Flourish: Work & Vocation


“In my opinion, I am often rich as Crœsus, not in money, but (though it doesn't happen every day) rich, because I have found in my work something to which I can devote myself heart and soul, and which gives inspiration and significance to life.”  — Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh,…


Thinking about Not-knowing: False advertising


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. We instinctively trust those who claim to tame not-knowing or protect us from it. The people and institutions who manage our money, govern our countries, and build our tools want and need our trust — so they often claim to have good methods for dealing…


Web3 and Society: Building Consumer Tech with Sari Azout and Joey DeBruin


Startupy founder Sari Azout and Backdrop founder Joey DeBruin join hosts Alaka Halder and Wes Chow for a conversation on building consumer products using web3 technology. Sari is an early-stage VC, design-thinker, and strategist who founded Startupy, a digital playground for thinkers and creators to curate, organize, and interconnect the most valuable tech, business, and…


IRL social in an increasingly digital age: what does IRL offer uniquely?

New York NY

With the rise of social media and digital communication, many of us have grown accustomed to living our lives through screens. Social media has greatly expanded our options for connectivity, our number of social contacts, and the time we spend digitally connected. Still, loneliness has risen sharply among every age group around the world. The…


On Talent: How to Find Talent


How do you find and attract great talent? No matter your discipline or industry, everyone relies on working with exceptional people to achieve greatness. But how do you do it? Interviewing is notoriously hard to do reliably, and it's very difficult to get in front of right people in the first place. In this second…


Lisbon’s Past & Future: Walking Salon on Sunday Afternoon 🌞


Starting out at the Miradouro and finishing our walk in Graça! We will end at Vino Vero for a glass of wine and cool down 💬 🍷 there’s a few breweries around the corner, too!   (Image source: Time Out) ***  ii Calendar |  Code of Conduct |  Become a Member


Beauty, Cosmic Consciousness and the Meaning of Existence


This Salon is for aesthetes, dreamers, and visionaries; for those who like to ask big questions and who are curious to dive deeper.  We will talk about aesthetics (specifically what beauty is, and pathways of knowing it), cosmology (including chaos theory), quantum mechanics, and consciousness - the nature of mind itself. These inter-related topics will…


The Writing Process – Fireside Chat with Elaine Wang

ii Café Voice Channel

Join Elaine Wang to learn about her writing process, ongoing projects, and why writing in various contexts can be so different. A members-only fireside chat, moderated by Nicky Buttigieg. "Any discipline can help your writing: logic, mathematics, theology, and of course and particularly drawing. Anything that helps you to see, anything that makes you look."…


Eastern vs. Western Concepts of Self: Constructing Who We Are


Western concepts of Self tend to focus on the ego in defining one's persona and on the careful construction of self-identity.  Eastern concepts of self, on the other hand, tend to emphasize the individual ego as an illusion and underscore the importance of fulfilling one's duty to society.   How does this cultural difference shape our…
