An Introduction to African Folklore: Comedic Folktales


Are you are unfamiliar with the mythic imaginations of African peoples? Join Helen Nde, curator of the storytelling platform Mythological Africans , to discover the rich tapestry of traditional folklore from different parts of the African continent. Part 2 of this 3-part series will focus on stories which make us laugh. The session will include…


The Psychedelic Map For Change


What kind of ancestor do you want to be? Join Marcus Druen and Ruth Veda from The Psychedelic Map For Change and a group of fellow conscious, curious and courageous people for this salon to understand how 'it is' — and how it 'could be.' Exploring the Psychedelic Map For Change through deep dialogue will motivate…


What Information Wants, Chapter 9: Narratives and Coordination in the Internet Age


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 10th salon for Rhys Lindmark’s series on What Information Wants. Join us…
