Why You Should Read Henry James


Join writer and comedian James Harris for an introduction to the life and work of the American writer Henry James (1843 - 1916) and his contemporary importance.  “Mr Henry James is the historian of fine consciences.” – Joseph Conrad on Henry James “We work in the dark - we do what we can - we…


Breakthroughs in Religious Theology


Join Alex Criddle for the third salon of his series on breakthroughs in history, where we'll explore the development of religion and its role in human history. Human religious history predates our written record. Perhaps since there have been human beings there has been the religious impulse. Is this because the religious mindset tracks reality?…


Holiday Reflections Gathering in D.C.

Washington DC

DC! Join Pavel, an engineer and community builder, for a casual holiday hangout. Let's meet, celebrate and converse! We will gather to celebrate the end-of-year holiday spirit and converse about our respective interests and passions. As possible icebreakers, you will be invited to share reflections on the past year and what it has meant to…


Writing for Stage and Television with Will Arbery & Dorothy Fortenberry


Join playwrights and television writers Will Arbery (Heroes of the Fourth Turning, TV’s “Succession”) and Dorothy Fortenberry (Partners, TV’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”) for a salon-style conversation about writing for stage and (small) screen, faith, doubt, and the search for meaning in art, moderated by novelist and theologian Tara Isabella Burton (Here in Avalon, Self-Made). A salon on…


Interintellect Christmas Party and End of Year Reflection🎄


Our annual Holiday gathering hosted by Anna Gát - for all Interintellect members and hosts! What a year, dear Interintellect members and hosts! 🤗 An incredible journey during which you gathered at salons online and offline, wrote books, fell in love and had babies, moved across continents, and with each action showed thoughtfulness and optimism.…


“Antiresolutions” in the New Year: Catalyzing Growth by Removing What Doesn’t Align


When contemplating New Year's resolutions, the common approach often involves adding more to an already full plate. What if, instead, we set 'antiresolutions,' goals to remove things and make space for flourishing, wellness, and improved performance—everything we truly treasure? Join the discussion facilitated by Jacob Huber, founder of Revolutionary Character! Are you maintaining specific relationships…


Santa Monica Interintellect IRL

Santa Monica

Join Interintellect member and IRL host Chuck Gillman for a new year face-to-face gathering in Santa Monica. This get-together will take place at 3 PM on January 2nd in the Northwest corner of Santa Monica, away from the touristy pier. Any Interintellect member within a short driving distance is welcome to join. The exact meeting…
