Interintellect Celebrates Wandering Spirits Book Launch – IRL in San Francisco

San Francisco San Francisco, CA

This meetup is to celebrate the launch of Interintellect member Salman Ansari's book, Wandering Spirits. A whimsical adventure awaits! Come meet fellow community members, hear from the author, and chat about creative projects and more. Hosted by Abbe Hyde. Dive into the enchanting world of "Wandering Spirits", a magical collection of fables that promises to…

The Everything Token: How NFTs and Web3 Will Transform the Way We Buy, Sell, and Create – SuperSalon with Steve Kaczynski and Scott Kominers

Harvard Business School professor and a16z research partner Scott Kominers and web3 entrepreneur Steve Kaczynski join hosts Alaka Halder and Wes Chow for a SuperSalon on how NFTs will become…


Jim O’Shaughnessy: The Tao of AI – Wisdom of Lao-Tzu in the Age of Machine Learning

Jim O'Shaughnessy joins Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a discussion on what recent advances in AI can teach us about ourselves and the workings of the cosmos. Don't miss out! “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” ~ Tao Te Ching, Verse 33 Machine…
