The Everything Token: How NFTs and Web3 Will Transform the Way We Buy, Sell, and Create – SuperSalon with Steve Kaczynski and Scott Kominers


Harvard Business School professor and a16z research partner Scott Kominers and web3 entrepreneur Steve Kaczynski join hosts Alaka Halder and Wes Chow for a SuperSalon on how NFTs will become pivotal to our lives, transforming online and offline interactions. Many people consider non-fungible tokens (NFTs) a bygone fad of the early 2020s, associated with the…


The Feminist Case for Progress


What do new pharmacological and technological developments mean for women's liberation? Join Genomics PhD student Ruxandra Teslo to discuss the value of progress from a feminist perspective. Contemporary feminism often holds a disparaging stance towards technological advancement. On one side, there are progressive feminists who criticize capitalism & its products; a recent example is Kate…