Web3 and Cryptoeconomics: New Economic Fundamentals with Alex Tabarrok


Alex Tabarrok, Professor of Economics at George Mason University, joins hosts Alaka Halder and Wes Chow to discuss cryptoeconomics – the combination of cryptography and economics – which provides a lens into how web3 is opening up fundamentally new ways of trading, cooperating, and communicating This will be an exciting, accessible conversation on the foundations…


Moving from “Alternative” to Integrative Medicine


Christina Waggaman is a former biostatistician and hospital infection preventionist who made a career change to study Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), traditional Tibetan medicine (Sowa Rigpa), and yoga therapy. She is passionate about creating opportunities for generative dialogue between proponents, critics and patients of both modern western biomedicine and traditional health therapies. In this salon…


London IRL: Gallan Mithiyan – Discussing Curiosity, Friendship, Technology and the Future

London London

Join ii India community member Prateek Singh, for a casual lunchtime get together in London.  Gallan Mithiyan - A Punjabi language word that resonates meaningful casual conversation in a community setting. Join us for an evening to have a relaxed conversation on the feeling of experiencing a country for the first time, friendship, the future…


Music Therapy: Communal Music Recommendation Party


If you're passionate about music and want to make new friends, join João Mateus for this debut members-only salon "music therapy" salon.  After our successful Book Therapy and Movie Therapy gatherings, it's time to bring the same format to sharing music. We will share our personal stories, talk about our favorite tracks or albums, and…


Conversations on Traveling


As COVID restrictions relax, traveling has gotten back on the radar for many of us. Join 3 year vagrant Johnson Hsieh for some thoughtful conversations about traveling. Some questions we’ll explore: How do we relate to travel and status? What do I want out of travel?  What am I running away from by traveling? How…
