Conversations on Self-Compassion: AMBITION

As we head into the winter months, we can all use a little mindfulness and self-care. Join writer Elaine Wang for informal communal “group therapy” series where we discuss a different topic related to self-compassion each month and how it can be applied in our lives. Perhaps you’ve had this experience: You attend a social event and meet some…


Ghost Work: How to Stop Silicon Valley from Building a New Global Underclass – Talk with Mary Gray and Ryan Gerety | New Labor Book Series #8


Join us for our next author talk, with Mary Gray, to discuss her book “Ghost Work: How to Stop Silicon Valley from Building a New Global Underclass,” and Ryan Gerety, Acting Director of the Athena Coalition. We will talk to Mary about her reflections and research in writing the book, which chronicles workers’ experiences of…


How to Read a Novel: V, Irony — The Remains of the Day, Kazuo Ishiguro


Do you want to read more classic fiction? Do you want to know more about how novels work, their technique? Do you want to do this in a low pressure bookclub-style setting? Join Henry Oliver, who writes The Common Reader for this series on How to Read a Novel. In this series, we will learn how novels…


What We Talk About When We Talk About UFOs: From Tinfoil Hats to Flying Saucers, Carl Jung to DMT Entities


Flying saucers? Government conspiracies? Psychedelics? Little green men? Just what the f*ck are we talking about when we talk about UFOs? Join Leah (Prime) on a guided tour through modern ufology: from nuts-and-bolts to tinfoil hats, Carl Jung to DMT entities, ‘to study the UFO phenomena is, in actual fact, to study pretty much everything.’…


Werewolf Game Night


Join Werewolf game master Lukas Rosenstock for the first 2023 round of the infamous social deduction game. The Interintellect village appears to be a place of friendly people, but things change when the full moon appears. Some villagers turn into werewolves at night, haunting the village and killing their innocent fellow townsfolks. It's crucial for…


Tarot In the Day To Day: Intro to Tarot


Interintellect host and professional tarot reader Crystal Duan will take us through a discussion of the structure of the tarot, the history, and how to apply it NOW without stressing about learning everything. This is the first episode of her "Tarot In the Day to Day" series. We'll be referencing chapters from Jessica Dore's book Tarot…


Let’s get on TikTok: YOU too can become the next educational TikTok star!


Have you ever wanted to share the topics you geek out the most about with a large, curious audience? Doing so has never been easier than on TikTok! Educational content creator Dan Mirea will share the secrets for creating engaging educational content that reaches millions. The TikTok algorithm sends whichever videos users watch and engage…


Sci-Fi Odyssey: A Tour Through the Great Works of Speculative Fiction – Ursula K. LeGuin


Come join David White for the next installment of a salon series dedicated to exploring the themes, ideas, and world-building of science fiction. We will be venturing into the world of The Left Hand of Darkness and exploring what it means to be human in a world without fixed gender. We will discuss what it truly means to…


Writing without Fear or Favor: SuperSalon with Virginia Heffernan on Journalism, Twitter, and the Media Apocalypse


Journalist and cultural critic Virginia Heffernan joins Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a meditation on where journalism is going in 2023 and beyond. Will it survive the ad crisis, Elon's Twitter, and the public's growing distrust? Does…
