Thinking about Not-Knowing #12: Broad Approaches


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. (NOTE: Different time for this episode as I'll be in Singapore.) What tools do we need to relate well to not-knowing? Episodes 11-13 of this series focus on tooling up: appropriate mindsets, approaches, and actual tools for thought and action. Episode 12 covers broad approaches informed…


“Antiresolutions” in the New Year: Catalyzing Growth by Removing What Doesn’t Align


When contemplating New Year's resolutions, the common approach often involves adding more to an already full plate. What if, instead, we set 'antiresolutions,' goals to remove things and make space for flourishing, wellness, and improved performance—everything we truly treasure? Join the discussion facilitated by Jacob Huber, founder of Revolutionary Character! Are you maintaining specific relationships…
