Saving the City: YIMBY?


Max Dostart-Meers and Lea Degen focused on the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno-optimistic capitalism. You can follow Max on Twitter here and Lea here. Part of the Saving the City series, this salon asks: How can we unleash the potential of American cities as social mobility engines? American cities, at…


Host Office Hours: Your Dream Salon Idea (hangout in the ii Café)


Join Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek for another weekly hangout in the ii Café. This is the time to let your imagination go wild and think about the craziest salon ideas that might be on your mind. If you knew you couldn't fail, what salon would you like to host? If you could instantly reach any person…

Language, Ecology, and Evolution: Do Languages Adapt to Their Environment?


Join linguists Colin Gorrie and Damian Romero to explore a controversial question: Do languages evolve to match the environment where they’re spoken?  Do languages spoken in one environment work the same way as languages spoken in another environment? Does the climate a language is spoken in determine how many terms it uses for things like…


Baby Steps to Beowulf: Old English for Beginners


In this series—Baby Steps to Beowulf: Old English for Beginners—linguist Colin Gorrie will teach you how to read Old English texts like Beowulf with the aid of a dictionary. Like every language, English has a past. More than many languages, English has changed dramatically over the years: the language as spoken just a thousand years ago would…

The Phenomenology of Insanity


What is it like to be insane or perceived as insane by the world around you? Come explore the cosmos of alternative realities and concrete stigmas with Christophe Porot ( and @PorotChristophe), an aspiring philosopher who spent three years in a mental hospital. This salon is fundamentally about experience. Whether you’ve personally experienced a state…


ii IRL in Santa Monica Discussing the Isms of Consciousness

Santa Monica

Hello, friends! Join Matt Neapolitan and fellow Interintellects in Santa Monica to discuss the nature of consciousness and what it is like to be something. Monism, Dualism, Physicalism, Panpsychism, and more! Following up on our recent book club and further discussions in the Los Angeles area ii Discord channel, we’ll begin with the inherent difficulty…


Chapter 15: The Evolution of Culture – The Beginning of Infinity Reading Group (Members Only)


Join members of the “Gödel, Escher, Bach” book club in reading through David Deutsch’s “The Beginning of Infinity.” Share the pleasure of wrestling with a challenging, thought-provoking book with the help of friendly peers’ additional eyes, hearts, minds, and experiences. Maybe you heard about it on Naval's podcast, or perhaps you follow the father of…


The Art of Hosting: Host Training with Colin Gorrie


The Art of Hosting is a new host training series, where Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek interviews experienced ii hosts in search for their secrets, hard-won lessons, tips, and best practices. In this episode, we’ll talk to Colin Gorrie – linguist, conlanger (maker of constructed languages), and experienced Interintellect host. "Knowledgable and infectiously enthusiastic" – that's how…


What Makes You Make?


Come explore the hows and whys of creativity with artist and writer, Anne Ross (@annerossart). All people are creative, but what makes a few of us actually create? What makes you pick up that guitar, or paint brush, or empty page? Do we need to cross this threshold only once? Do we have to wait…


The Work of Living – Talk with Max Alvarez and Courtney Smith | New Labor Book Series #5


Join us for our fifth author talk, with Max Alvarez and Courtney Smith, to discuss Max’s new book, The Work of Living, a human history of COVID-19—one of the defining events of the 21st century told by the people who lived it. Through a series of interviews conducted in 2020 and 2021, Max spoke with…
