Interintellect Dinner in Bangalore – With Anna Gát

Indiranagar, Bangalore

Dear all, So excited to be in Bangalore! Come join us for a casual dinner in a nice restaurant, to talk curiosity and exploration, creativity and friendship, cultural abundance and practice, and how to build a kinder internet. The exact location of the dinner will be shared via email with those who signed up, as…


Host Office Hours: What’s Stopping You from Hosting? (hangout in the ii Café)


Interintellect producer Maria Górska-Piszek is hosting another weekly hangout in the ii Café. Join her to talk about all the possible things that might be blocking you from hosting, and let's see how we can make it work together. Have you thought about hosting salons with Interintellect, but you wouldn't even know where to start?…

Ending Unconscious Bias with Jessica Nordell – SuperSalon by Bryan Kam


In this exciting SuperSalon, award-winning journalist and writer Jessica Nordell will join writer and Interintellect host Bryan Kam to discuss The End of Bias. Discussions of unconscious bias often focus on the problem, not solutions. How do we eradicate the unexamined prejudices that clash with our values and wreak havoc across medicine, the workplace, education,…


What Information Wants, Chapter 5: Printed Knowledge in the Industrial Age


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 6th salon for Rhys Lindmark’s series on What Information Wants. Join…


Los Angeles ii IRL – Tech Week

Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles Interintellect members and SuperSupporter Abby Garcia are hosting a free in-person get together for the Interintellect community. With people in town for Tech Week and other reasons, we invite not only Interintellect members who live in Los Angeles, but anyone from the extended community who can make it. The event will take place…


21st Century Monetary Policy | Part II: The Global Financial Crisis and Great Recession


Join Jared Davis—a software engineer in Cambridge, Massachusetts who enjoys studying mathematics and reads widely—for the second of a four-part discussion of 21st Century Monetary Policy. In this salon, we will discuss the first part of Ben Bernanke’s book, 21st Century Monetary Policy. Bernanke is an economist, historian, and Chairperson of the US Federal Reserve…


Pioneering Women with Jyoti Thottam – SuperSalon by Swathy Prithivi

In this exciting SuperSalon, senior Opinion editor at The New York Times and writer Jyoti Thottam will join entrepreneur and Interintellect host Swathy Prithivi to discuss Sisters of Mokama.   In her first book, Thottam explores the journey of a group of Appalachian nuns who established a Nazareth Hospital in 1947 in the east Indian state…


Saving the City: YIMBY?


Max Dostart-Meers and Lea Degen focused on the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno-optimistic capitalism. You can follow Max on Twitter here and Lea here. Part of the Saving the City series, this salon asks: How can we unleash the potential of American cities as social mobility engines? American cities, at…
