Introducing Poems for Our Time [Free Episode]


Interested in cultivating your inner poet? Join us for the opening session of Poems for Our Time where we'll slow down, explore contemporary poetry, and connect with our creativity. Hosted by writer, workshop facilitator, and meditation teacher, Grace Bialecki. Poetry is a place of solace, a place of mystery, a place where we can delve deeper…


Introduction to Non-Dual Insight: The Poem ‘Faith in Mind’


Join Topi Heikkerö to explore one of the first Ch’an (Zen) Buddhist poems: “Faith in Mind” by Master Sengcan, the Third Chinese Ch’an patriarch. This brief poem puts forth the central teaching of non-duality in clear and yet profound way. “The Supreme Way is not difficult If only you don’t pick and choose.” In this…


The Post-Achievement Professional: Life Beyond the Goal Posts


I'm Khe Hy. I chased money on Wall Street and fame on the Internet only to discover that neither could deliver true freedom. As a fellow Post-Achievement professional, my love language is "let me show you everything I've accomplished." Yet when you strip it all away, all you're left with a vexing question: Who am…


Thinking about Not-knowing #13: Tools for thought and action.


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. Good tools make work easier. What tools do we need to relate well to different types of not-knowing? Episode 13 of this series answers this questions. Some of the tools we’ll discuss include: Superordination during goal-setting. Clearly identifying non-goals. Using forced choices to reveal tradeoffs.…
