Mad Men and the Art of Persuasion


In the second of a three part series on the TV show Mad Men, Vivek hosts a discussion on persuasion as seen through the lens of the show. What can we learn about delivering a sales pitch from the show? From presentations to prestigious clients and proposals from employees to bosses to idea sharing between…


The City in Crisis

My focus is at the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno optimistic capitalism. My name is Max Dostart-Meers and I am a Silicon Valley native currently…


Chapter 2: Closer to Reality, Chapter 3: The Spark – The Beginning of Infinity Reading Group (Members Only)


Join members of the completed “Gödel, Escher, Bach” reading group in reading through David Deutsch’s “The Beginning of Infinity.” Share the pleasure of reading a challenging, thought-provoking book boosted by your friendly peers’ additional eyes, hearts, minds, and life experiences. Maybe you heard about it on Naval's podcast, or perhaps you follow the father of quantum computing…


Social Technologies: Cultural Infrastructure for Cooperation and Meaning


What are social technologies?  How can they be used to address the challenges facing our world?  Join veteran hosts Linus Lu and Dave Crouch to discuss how we can build and adapt cultural constructs to encourage peace, cooperation, and tolerance in a constantly-changing world. We mostly think of technology as devices, tools, and machines: physical…


Werewolf Game Night


Join Werewolf game master Lukas Rosenstock for another round of the infamous social deduction game. The Interintellect village appears to be a place of friendly people, but things change when…
