Musical Potluck: Fortune


Russel Ramos continues his members-only track series where participants can each contribute a song for a musical tasting session, based on the theme of the month. During the musical potlucks, we will explore the vibrancy of musical tastes, aspects of listening, and emotional resonances lovingly baked into each song offering. March’s theme – Fortune  …


Self-Merging and Self-Definition: The Great Friendships in Literature


Inspired by Elena Ferrante's formidable Neapolitan Quartet, Interintellect founder Anna Gát invites you to dive into the greatest friendships in world literature: Achilles and Patroclus, Romeo and Mercutio, Jayne Eyre and Helen Burns, Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby, and of course Ferrante's Elena and Lila. What can we learn from these tumultuous literary bonds, often…


The Story of Industrial Civilization: Is Progress Good?


Progress writer Jason Crawford is writing a book about the modern world and how it was invented. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. Behind the world of our daily lives, there is a hidden world, one that keeps our world…


Neither Reason, Nor Enlightenment — History of Love, Episode 4


Interintellect founder Anna Gát continues her series A History of Love with an episode focusing on the period between the Copernican Revolution and the French Revolution. A turbulent time in Europe where basic tenets of social status, theological dogma, and geography are questioned. Many modern concepts - from parliamentary democracy to novel-reading, from city-dwelling to…


The Future We Need: Discussing Labor with Erica Smiley (Jobs With Justice) and Sarita Gupta (Ford Foundation) | New Labor Book Series #1


Join us to discuss the future of labor organizing with Erica Smiley and Sarita Gupta, on the eve of the release of their new book: The Future We Need – Organizing for a Better Democracy in the 21st Century (which we’ll hear about before the book comes out on April 15). Hosted by Siena Chiang,…


Intro to Words and Sounds, Pt. 2


How do literature and music interrelate, and how can they enliven each other? Join us for the Words and Sounds series led by Ulkar Aghayeva, Daniel Hass, Lily Rock, Jameel Martin, and Ryan Tuozzolo we will discuss intersections between the two and how they can inspire each other. We will continue discussing the convergence points…


Community Play Reading: The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertold Brecht

Interintellect community members and hosts once again gather for a casual play-reading séance. At this time we will be reading a beautiful, timely text on heroism, motherhood, justice, and war, by Bertold Brecht.  Brecht’s play is set within the context of a dispute over land claimed by two communes in the Soviet Union after World War II. The main action…


Reading Beowulf: Grendel’s Mother + Translating Beowulf


Join host Colin Gorrie as we read the great Old English epic poem Beowulf together, as part of the Reading Beowulf series. In this session, we'll talk about Beowulf's battle with Grendel's mother. We'll also examine the different choices translators have made in translating Beowulf: verse or prose? archaic or modern? strange or familiar? Reading…


The Joy of Looking: Works Made in Secret – with Alexa Miller


Visual artist turned medical educator Alexa Miller will host this salon centering experiences with visual art as a catalyst for expansion, innovation, connection, bias awareness, and shameless enjoyment. The topic of this Salon, the third in our 6-part series, is Works Made in Secret. We'll engage with a selection of works of art that artists made and,…


Prophets or Cassandras: Ayn Rand vs Hannah Arendt


In this salon, Daniel Golliher examines the lessons that these two twentieth century thinkers offer for those of us hurtling through the twenty-first. This salon is the third of three in a mini-series comparing the thinkers Ayn Rand and Hannah Arendt.  And hurtling we are. This ride is not slowing down—it’s faster and weirder from…
