The Curation Series – Copying the Curator (Part 2) with Patricia Hurducas


During this Interintellect Curation Series Patricia Hurducas will lead a discussion on the topic of curation in three parts: Understanding the Curator (Part 1), Copying the Curator (Part 2), and Becoming the Curator (Part 3).   In the second part of the series - Copying the Curator - we will look at famous curators, favorite…


No More Happy Atheists?: The Future of Unbelief

In this salon, literary critic and self-proclaimed atheist Morten Høi Jensen leads a discussion about the future of atheism. In his essay “Anxiety About God in an Ostensibly Godless Age,” the Polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski argued that the weakening of traditional religious belief brought down the certainty of atheism with it. “Ever since Nietzsche proclaimed…


Our First Post-Pandemic Host Training for OFFLINE Salons!


And so it has happened: in many places around the world, we are once again hosting offline events! Of course, after one and a half years of daily Interintellect salons on Zoom, and the many hours of host training and related discussions, you're wondering: How is hosting an offline discussion different from what we do…


Hey Big Spender! – A Dead Economists Society Salon


The Dead Economists Society Salon series continues as Bronwyn Williams and Peter Isztin investigate big spending, big government economics and the rockstar economists who love them. "In the long run, we're all dead." ~ Keynes "Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die." ~ Dave Matthews In this Dead Economists Society Salon series, we jump right into one of…


Culture and Identity in the Cold War


In their debut salon Lisa Wehden examines culture, emotions and the daily life of Europeans during the Cold War. We'll explore themes of material culture, memory and nostalgia, death and changing notions of private life. The texts offer perspectives from both the east and west, encouraging comparisons across the Iron Curtain. We'll explore how individuals were impacted… Continue reading Culture and Identity in the Cold War


The Curation Series – Becoming the Curator (Part 3) with Patricia Hurducas


During this Interintellect Curation Series Patricia Hurducas will lead a discussion on the topic of curation in three parts: Understanding the Curator (Part 1), Copying the Curator (Part 2), and Becoming the Curator (Part 3).   In the third part of the series - Becoming the Curator - we will discuss the museums of the…
