Poetry Salon with Rilke: Somewhere to the East There Is a Church


Join hosts Isabela Granic and Thomas Arnold to sift our reactions, reads, and interpretations of these lines, including other art it brings to mind. In this poetry reading salon we will sit together with a very short poem from Rainer Maria Rilke (known by its first line “Manchmal steht einer auf beim Abendbrot”/”Sometimes a man gets up from supper,”…

The Emperor’s New Clothes, René Girard, & Marshall McLuhan


In this salon, Hollis Robbins investigates the famous story of The Emperor’s New Clothes. What lessons are we meant to learn from this fable? The poet, the artist, the sleuth—whoever sharpens our perception tends to be antisocial; rarely “well-adjusted,” he cannot go along with currents and trends. A strange bond often exists among anti-social types in their…

Writing About Yourself: The Art of Telling Your Story


Continuing his series on the art of writing, fellow Interintellect Rick Benger explores telling authentic, effective personal stories.  We draft the LinkedIn bio, the dating profile, the cover letter with some disquiet. Such formats confront us with the god-mode question, "Who are you?", and a nest of norms, implied but unreal audiences, and cues that…

Symbols of our Collective Identities in Digital Space: Logos, Icons, Flags, Slogans


In his debut Interintellect salon, Dominic Duffin will lead an exploration of symbols of collective identity, collective identities in digital space, and how our symbols of identity map to these new digital geographies. Many collective identities can make up an individual's unique personal identity. Our membership of these collectives may be out of accident of…

A History of War Series: Attack Part 1 – From Flintstones to Drones


On April 13, Interintellect founder Anna Gát returns to discuss aspects of warfare, with a look at the breakout of wars: from the earliest days of tribal conflict to the most contemporary, mercenary proxy wars, and those fought in the cyberspace – or, soon, space. *** "The great end of life is not knowledge, but action. I…

Hiking With Nietzsche – On Challenges, Struggles, And Becoming Who We Are


Interintellect Patricia Hurducas returns with a new salon for The Mountains Are Calling series. This time we will explore John Kaag’s book Hiking With Nietzsche: On Becoming Who You Are. We will discuss parts of Nietzsche’s philosophy, we will take a closer look at Agon (Greek word for conflict and struggle), and we will touch…

Nature vs. Nurture Part 1/2: Is Talent Actually A Thing? (with Harry Ramsay)


In Part 1 of this two-part salon, Harry Ramsay will lead a discussion on the hotly-debated nature of talent: its origins, its definitions, and - indeed - its very existence. ---- "I wish I could , but I just don't have the talent for it..." How many times have you heard this? "If you stopped…

Down the Rabbit Hole: Into the Curiosity Verse (III)


Fellow InterIntellect Helena Ng invites you to set up a personal Play Calendar of the month & join forces with fellow attendees to create more playtime in our lives. In the last Camp Curiosity salon, our fellow members huddled together in a collective reflection for all the thoughts, feelings, and re-negotiations we've had to experience…

The Adult Lives of Children of Narcissistic Parents


In this Interintellect Salon, Matjaž Leonardis will host a conversation on life trajectories of children of narcissistic parents and their common life and relationships problems.  The stories are different, but the patterns repeat. Whether it one failed relationship after another, one career change after another, patterns of behaviour that alienate others or difficulty with dealing with…

Charting the careers of successful public intellectuals


In his latest Interintellect Salon, Visakan Veerasamy will lead an exploration of successful creatives and intellectuals throughout history.  Let's focus particularly on people who achieved success during their lifetimes. How did intellectuals achieve positions of power, influence, status? What were the stepping stones along the way? In this Salon, let’s ask and explore: How do…

The Story of Industrial Civilization: Introduction


Progress writer Jason Crawford is writing a book about this world and how it was invented. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. Behind the world of our daily lives, there is a hidden world, one that keeps our world running.…

The Town and the Country Through Time


In this first salon of a three part series Henry Dashwood invites you to explore the similarities, differences, and relationships between rural and urban life.  At length the townsman cries: "I wonder how You can live here, friend, on this hill's rough brow: Take my advice, and leave these ups and downs, This hill and dale, for humankind and…