Breakthroughs in Scientific Theory


Join Alex Criddle for the seventh salon in the Breakthroughs series and explore breakthroughs in scientific theory and paradigms. In this first of two salons following Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions we'll explore breakthroughs in scientific theory beginning with the ancient Greek's discoveries in biology and physics and how Greek philosophy shaped the course…


Insurance and Other Fearsome Beasts: Understanding the Myths and Methods of Health Insurance


Join Tina Marsh Dalton for this inaugural salon in our Roots of Progress Fellows series. Insurance is vital to accessing modern medical care, but why is it so complex?  In this salon, Tina will examine how we got here: why insurance first emerged, its (true) core purpose, and how it has evolved. We will travel across…


Creative Pairs in History


Hi, I’m Gina! I’m a therapist, avid learner and educator. I’ve spent time in many settings, ranging from mental hospitals to jails and schools and most recently I’ve been coaching entrepreneurs in AI on self-care and social connection. I’m extremely interested in the origins of electric connections! Using Joshua Wolf Shenk’s book Powers of Two,…


Exploring the Dynamics of Hope: Perspectives in Healthcare and Everyday Life


As an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Razan Baabdullah has thought about what hope means for her, her patients, and her team during tough times. So, she wrote a piece about hope. Join her for a conversation on hope, optimism, honesty, and agency in healthcare and everyday life. Hope, often conflated with optimism, can guide us…

The Path to Pivot: A Conversation with Jason Shen about Conviction, Experimentation, and Venture-Scale Opportunities


3x startup founder turned exec coach Jason Shen joins creativity expert Herbert Lui for a conversation about how venture-backed startups navigate the uncertain leap from one direction to another in…
