Is Technology Magic? Rationalism, the Occult, and the Re-Enchantment of the World with John Ganz, Max Read, and Tara Isabella Burton


Join Tara I. Burton, John Ganz, and Max Read for a panel on the religious and spiritual implications behind contemporary Silicon Valley culture, from the “postrationalist” turn to the influence…


Ayurvedic Panchakarma Detox: the Power of Ancient Healing


Want to eliminate toxic elements from your body? Join Vikram, a storyteller who revels in discovering existing metaphors and creating new ones to communicate, to entertain, to educate life lessons, for a salon on Panchakarma! Panchakarma are techniques to eliminate toxic elements from the body. Panchakarma refers to five actions, which are meant to be…


Self Compassion and Forgiveness

Hi, I’m Gina! I'm a therapist, avid learner and educator. I’ve spent time in many settings, ranging from mental hospitals to jails and schools, immersing myself in situations that require both survival and compassion. This episode of the Self-Compassion series will be on Self-Compassion and Forgiveness! How are they different and why does it matter? In…

Gratitude Letter Writing Workshop


Has someone played a significant role in shaping your life? If so, join Innerpathing's upcoming free workshop-salon. Here, you can finally put into words the gratitude you've felt for someone. 💗 We've all encountered that special person who became a turning point in our careers, imparted invaluable wisdom, or offered unwavering support during our most…


Losing My Religion


Join Miriam and Shahid as they delve deeper into the topic of religion and community in the (post-)modern age. Regardless of religious background, many people go through a process of…


Thinking about Not-Knowing #12: Broad Approaches


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. (NOTE: Different time for this episode as I'll be in Singapore.) What tools do we need to relate well to not-knowing? Episodes 11-13 of this series focus on tooling up: appropriate mindsets, approaches, and actual tools for thought and action. Episode 12 covers broad approaches informed…


New York IRL: Expansive Conversations – A Holiday Gathering

New York NY

Join writer and meditation teacher, Grace Bialecki, for the launch of a new New York City IRL series, 'Expansive Conversations.' In this holiday edition, we'll read poetry centered around winter celebrations and talk about what holiday traditions mean to us. There is such a thing as a life changing conversation. One that keeps reverberating with…
