Playing The Self-Publishing Game | Fireside with Paul Millerd


Join self-published writer Paul Millerd to learn about the spectrum of publishing models, and the upsides of playing the infinite game and self-publishing as an internet-native writer. A members-only fireside chat, moderated by Nicky Buttigieg. “I want to inspire more internet-native writers to publish their own books earlier in their journeys and see the upsides…


Ask Me Anything with Interintellect Fellow Zelda Poem


Join this Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session to ask Zelda Poem any questions you have on your mind! Her current focus is helping young hackers, dropouts and founders become socially and emotionally abled. Interintellect Fellow and host Zelda Poem is seeking to make singular educational paths mainstream, and has been speaking to people on the richness and…


Poems for Our Time: Witnessing Destruction


Interested in cultivating your inner poet? Join us for Poems for Our Time where we'll slow down, explore contemporary poetry, and connect with our creativity. Hosted by writer, workshop facilitator, and meditation teacher, Grace Bialecki. Poetry is a place of solace, a place of mystery, a place where we can delve deeper into live’s questions and…
