Bryan Kam on Neither/Nor (second session)

In this exciting discussion, please join Interintellect fellow Bryan Kam to discuss his original philosophical work. No background in the subject is required. We live in two worlds: one of language, logic, concepts, and abstractions — and another, of sensations, experience, and intuition. They're inseparable and enrich one another, but each world has its own…


Art-Making Workshop: Something Out of Nothing


Join an art-making workshop with an experimental artist, Anne Ross, and make art from anything! All levels of artistic ability, from never-tried it to professional, are welcome. If you have ever wanted to create art, unleash your inner artist and join this workshop, where we will make art from anything! Creating art is a bliss for the…


What happened to the Internet? How a new wave of thinkers are rebuilding the web

Are you stuck in passive consumption mode, overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and struggling to feel at home on the Internet? Join Substack newsletter-er, tech humanist, and founder of Sublime Sari Azout. This is the first ever salon where she shares musings on the State of the Internet and the insights that led…