Growth Means Learning from the Past: Morgan Housel on the Timeless Lessons of Business and Life

Join Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology of Money and Same As Ever, and Interintellect founder Anna Gát, to explore navigating uncertainty by focusing on what never changes in a changing world. 'The behaviors that never change are history's most powerful lessons, because they preview what to expect in the future.' ~ Morgan Housel, Same…


Reason to be Happy: Why Logical Thinking is the Key to a Better Life – SuperSalon with Professor Kaushik Basu


Kaushik Basu, Professor of Economics at Cornell University and former Chief Economist of the World Bank, joins host Alaka Halder for a special discussion on his new book, Reason to Be Happy: Why Logical Thinking is the Key to a Better Life. In this engaging and elegant book, Professor Basu shows us why logical thinking…
