The Trouble with Neuroscience: Erik Hoel on Consciousness, Free Will and the Limits of Science

Join Erik Hoel, Forbes 30 Under 30 scientist, for a SuperSalon on his new book, "The World Behind the World." Come and discover, together with Interintellect founder Anna Gát, how our brain forms conscious experiences and see the potential for a revolution in neuroscience and technology! Neuroscience has long promised answers to the profound questions…


Exploring Artificial Curiosity: From Machines to Morality


Join Hussain Ather for a fascinating journey into the world of Artificial Curiosity. We'll delve into how AI can exercise the moral virtue of curiosity and what it means for ethics and human-like behavior. Curious? Let's explore together!  Can machines be curious? How does this curiosity align with moral virtues? Join us for a thought-provoking…


Look Again – A Conversation with Cass Sunstein on Noticing the Water We Swim In


What if we could find a way to see everything anew? What if you could regain sensitivity, not only to the great things in your life, but also to the terrible things you stopped noticing and so don't try to change? Join Cass Sunstein for a conversation hosted by Bronwyn Williams exploring how disrupting our well-worn…
