Thinking about Not-Knowing #10 Intent, Causation, and Values


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. In episodes 6-9 of this series, we discussed how not-knowing arises in relation to actions, outcomes, causation, and values, and how future-ness affects not-knowing. Episode 10 is about how the four types of not-knowing reverberate back and forth between each other over time: a change…


Thinking about Not-Knowing #12: Broad Approaches


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. (NOTE: Different time for this episode as I'll be in Singapore.) What tools do we need to relate well to not-knowing? Episodes 11-13 of this series focus on tooling up: appropriate mindsets, approaches, and actual tools for thought and action. Episode 12 covers broad approaches informed…


Tools for Thought: Show-and-Tell


What is your “tools for thought” stack? Pinterest or Did you make a Notion template you’re excited about? What Obsidian plugins do you use? Ker Lee Yap wants to know! And I’m sure other cool people do too! Join this salon where we’ll go around share our personal digital systems and how we use…


Workshop: Intro to First Principles Thinking Using Visual Diagraming for Life, Business and Decision Making


Join AI founder Farzad Khosravi to dive into the world of first principles thinking in this dynamic workshop designed to transform your problem-solving approach. This unique event centers on real-time, interactive learning experiences, where participants become an integral part of the process. I will invite volunteers to present their challenges, and together, we embark on…