Hollywood For Intellectuals: Writing Big Ideas For the Big (And Small) Screen


Join Michael Sonnenschein, a screen/TV writer with a background in academia, for an introduction on how to write for movies/tv. Starting as an aspiring writer with an academic background in 2008, I've grown my career in Hollywood, merging my interests in economics, social sciences, and storytelling for films and TV. Now in 2023, I'm writing…


Young and Restless: The Girls Who Sparked America’s Revolutions – Author Talk with Mattie Kahn | New Labor Book Series #14


Join Siena Chiang for a discussion with Mattie Kahn about her book, Young and Restless: The Girls Who Sparked America's Revolutions, which recounts one of the most foundational and underappreciated…


Unite and Win | Author Talk with the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee – New Labor Book Series #18


Join by three guests who organize with the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC), about their recently released guide to worker organizing: Unite and Win: the Workplace Organizer's Handbook—Daphna Thier, organizer…
