Hosting a Members Only Event

Members-only events are a casual format which allows you to set up an open-ended space for workshops, post-salon discussions, co-working, co-writing, and even co-playing. Fellow Interintellects use this space to host game nights, physical exercise, holiday gatherings, potluck dinners, and fireside chats.

And here are plenty more reasons to host members-only events:

  • Host a ‘practice’ salon to test interest in a topic – you could then develop into a larger series or track
  • You already planned a series but you want to give members a free preview of what’s to come
  • You can practice before or between hosting salons, adding up to your total ‘pilot hours’
  • Perhaps something really interesting came up during a salon and you want to spend more time with others to dive deeper
  • You’re learning a new skill and you want to practise with fellow members
  • Perhaps you’re seasoned and you would love to teach your skill! This is the perfect space to practice being a public educator
  • It can be a great space for locals to follow-up after an offline gathering
  • You can host an intimate ‘tea party’ for members to share something tender, chaotic, or even controversial…after all, this is a pre-vetted space
  • You want to host a non-English event
  • If you can’t be paid for whatever reason, then you don’t have to! These events use an RSVP system that can be used only by fellow Interintellects.

These events can be any length, tickets can be less limited, and we never charge for entry.

Members-only events are listed on our website along with other events. However, instead of requiring the purchase of paid tickets, they use an RSVP system that can be used only by fellow Interintellects.

In both cases, we add the events to the public ii calendar, which is available on the website and in the info channel on Discord. We also promote events in our Interitellect newsletter. It is recommended to add this calendar to your personal calendar.

Basic Rules

  1. Members-only events can be hosted on Zoom (video) or Discord (mainly voice).
  2. If you want to host a members-only event offline, have a look at the Hybrid or Offline (‘IRL’) salon guides.
  3. The event is submitted through the List a Salon form in the same format as a regular salon.

Get Support

Need to speak with someone to develop your ideas further? Find advice from our Host Greenroom on Discord, or set up time with fellow Interintellect host Helena Ng and she’ll make sure you get across the line, from ideation to publishing your listing.