Rethinking “Work/Life Balance”: A Holiday Self-Exploration with Gena Gorlin and Roy Bahat

Join psychology professor and psychologist Dr Gena Gorlin, venture capitalist and writer Roy Bahat, and Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a discussion of work, rest, and the fully-lived life. Before the Holidays, we will gather for a roundtable-style salon to explore the much discussed but often misunderstood questions around so-called "work/life balance": how does the meaning we derive from our…


Whence Rationality? – SuperSalon with Steven Pinker

In this exciting SuperSalon, the world-renowned Steven Pinker, distinguished cognitive psychologist and bestselling author of books like Enlightenment Now and Rationality, joins clinical psychologist and Interintellect host Gena Gorlin to explore what motivates—or demotivates—human reason, virtue, and progress.  Academic psychologists use the term “motivated reasoning” almost synonymously with “irrationality”—as if rational thought only happens in the absence of any motivation.…


The Art of Time Crafting with Cassie Holmes – SuperSalon


Facilitated by Drs. Matt Bateman and Gena Gorlin, UCLA’s Anderson School of Management Professor Cassie Holmes will join our community and friends to discuss her new book, HAPPIER HOUR: How to Beat Distraction, Expand Your Time, and Focus on What Matters Most. If using your time more wisely is something you often think about, come join us! Dr.…
