Thinking About Not-Knowing: Misnaming The Beasts


This salon is part of his InterIntellect series and broader project on not-knowing. Many situations of not-knowing are called “risk” (even when they aren’t). The cynical view is that this is to make them seem more knowable and manageable than they really are. The emerging kerfuffle around Silicon Valley Bank ("poor risk management!") is just one example of what…


Thinking about Not-knowing #8: What Results Are Worth


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. This episode focuses on the fourth category of not-knowing, which is about the relative value attached to particular outcomes. Not knowing how much particular outcomes are worth is the most under-explored type of not-knowing, despite being the foundation for expected value theory (which drives so…


Thinking about Not-Knowing #10 Intent, Causation, and Values


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. In episodes 6-9 of this series, we discussed how not-knowing arises in relation to actions, outcomes, causation, and values, and how future-ness affects not-knowing. Episode 10 is about how the four types of not-knowing reverberate back and forth between each other over time: a change…
