The Mystical, Religious, and Spiritual Dimensions of Psychedelics


In this salon, Alex Criddle will lead a discussion on what psychedelic experiences mean for individual spirituality, religions, and the mystical. A significant portion of psychedelic users cite their experience as being one of the top five most profound moments of their life, on par with their marriage or the birth of a child. What…


Navigating the Moral Landscape with Immanuel Kant


Join ii hosts  Irene JK and Matt Neapolitan to discuss Kant's philosophy around ethics and morality and its relevance in the modern technologically advanced society.  Our philosopher of the month, Immanuel Kant, stands in the center of modern philosophy. Kant was one of the most influential philosophers of the Enlightenment era. His body of work…


In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 2: Giving, Eating and Drinking, Work


In this salon series, Tanya Raj will lead deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will delve into what does giving mean and how does one receive with grace, how can eating and drinking become a more mindful activity…


In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 3: Joy and Sorrow, Houses, Clothes

In this salon series, Tanya Raj leads deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will delve into what are joys and sorrows and how they touch everyone, what is the concept of house and if it is the same as home,…


A Field Guide to Internet Emotion > 1.0 All the Feels


Tech emotionographer Pamela Pavliscak hosts an 8-month Interintellect Salon series while writing her new book #Feels: How Technology is Changing Our Emotional Life for the Better.  Have you ever wondered why we feel compelled to note and name every new variation of sadness online? Or what you call that emotional hangover you can get after scrolling social…


The Age of Community: Building, Growing and Changing the World


Welcome to the first salon of a mini-series on all things community hosted by Lucia Asanache - she will explore, with support from wonderful guests, the power and potential of communities for improving our society. Inspired by her work building global communities around tech policy at the Tony Blair Institute, Lucia is keen to share…


The Story of Industrial Civilization: Impacts on Work, Home, and Leisure


Progress writer Jason Crawford is writing a book about the modern world and how it was invented. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. Behind the world of our daily lives, there is a hidden world, one that keeps our world…


In Praise of The Prophet Series – Part 4: Buying and Selling, Crime and Punishment, Laws


In this salon series, Tanya Raj will lead deep-dive discussions on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and his philosophy on living a life with purpose and meaning. In this salon, we will delve into the man-made concepts of trading and what purpose do they serve, is crime evil, and does punishment equates to atonement, along…


The Story of Philosophy Series – Are we best served by pessimism?


Join London ii hosts Flick Hardingham and Irene JK as we examine how Schopenhauer’s ideas are relevant (or not) in today’s society and our own lives. Some questions to prompt your curiosity. Picture early Nineteenth century Europe. Waterloo had been fought. The Revolution was dead. Millions had perished. Millions of acres neglected. As Durant so eloquently puts it,…


The Age of Community: Community Careers


Welcome to the second salon of a mini-series on all things community hosted by Lucia Asanache - she will explore, with support from wonderful guests, the power and potential of communities for improving our society. Inspired by her work building global communities around tech policy at the Tony Blair Institute, Lucia is keen to share…
