Maintaining and Deepening Our Friendships

Join fellow Interintellect Vidhika Bansal for a discussion about how we can maintain and deepen our friendships amid the seasons and stresses of everyday life. Balancing our ever-evolving priorities and responsibilities with our desire for lasting friendships can be a lot to manage. How can we find the time, energy, and grace to maintain — and…


Is Technology Magic? Rationalism, the Occult, and the Re-Enchantment of the World with John Ganz, Max Read, and Tara Isabella Burton


Join Tara I. Burton, John Ganz, and Max Read for a panel on the religious and spiritual implications behind contemporary Silicon Valley culture, from the “postrationalist” turn to the influence…


Ayurvedic Panchakarma Detox: the Power of Ancient Healing


Want to eliminate toxic elements from your body? Join Vikram, a storyteller who revels in discovering existing metaphors and creating new ones to communicate, to entertain, to educate life lessons, for a salon on Panchakarma! Panchakarma are techniques to eliminate toxic elements from the body. Panchakarma refers to five actions, which are meant to be…


Self Compassion and Forgiveness

Hi, I’m Gina! I'm a therapist, avid learner and educator. I’ve spent time in many settings, ranging from mental hospitals to jails and schools, immersing myself in situations that require both survival and compassion. This episode of the Self-Compassion series will be on Self-Compassion and Forgiveness! How are they different and why does it matter? In…

Gratitude Letter Writing Workshop


Has someone played a significant role in shaping your life? If so, join Innerpathing's upcoming free workshop-salon. Here, you can finally put into words the gratitude you've felt for someone. 💗 We've all encountered that special person who became a turning point in our careers, imparted invaluable wisdom, or offered unwavering support during our most…
