Fear and Trembling: Why We Are Scared and How to Use This Feeling for Good


On April 29, Interintellect founder Anna Gát hosts an intimate discussion about our fears and how to use them to work for, instead of against, us in our lives How many things do you do during one day because of fear? We close windows, blow out candles, look around before changing lanes, cross the street when we…

Nature vs. Nurture Part 2/2: Nurturing Our Nature and Cultivating Talent (with Harry Ramsay)


In Part 2 of this two-part salon, Harry Ramsay will lead the conversation beyond mere definitions of talent into an expositional, participatory dialogue about how we can best cultivate what talents we have - in our friends, our children, and (of course) ourselves. --- Having already deliberated the nature of talent in Part 1 of…

A Conversation On Synchronicity – The Search for Meaning in Coincidence


Interintellect Patricia Hurducas will lead a discussion on synchronicity from the Book of Changes to Carl Jung and to our own encounters with these “meaningful coincidences”.   Synchronicity is an ever-present reality for those who have eyes to see.” – Carl Jung   Jung defined synchronicity as an “acausal connecting (togetherness) principle,” “meaningful coincidence”, “acausal…

Writer’s Corner: Short Fiction in Theory and Practice — Session 3: Gabriel García Márquez


Welcome to Writer’s Corner where we talk about and practice the craft of writing. Join Sylvia R for this session on Gabriel García Márquez. The salon will include three sections:   Section 1: Discuss We’ll dive into the formal qualities of “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” (see pre-salon reading materials). We’ll discuss structure…

Dead Economists Salon Series : Degrowth, Doughnuts, Postalgia and Progress


In this meeting of the Dead Economists Salon Series we discuss the benefits and challenges with degrowth and doughnut economics that preference social and economic sustainability over economic growth and shareholder value. Hosted by: Bronwyn Williams and Peter Isztin. We question … if the limits required in terms of social safety nets and resource usage ceilings could exacerbate feelings of postalgia (the feeling that today…

The Great Interintellect Friend Finding Self Discovering Mingle (Part 2)


Fellow Interintellects Katrina Dela Cruz and Brian Ahuja cordially invite you to a salon of inter(intellect)mingling, of finding friends and rediscovering old ones, in group convos and 1:1s, just the way you like it… The Great Interintellect Mingle is back again! We had great success with the initial mingle salon and are hoping to help continue forging new connections…

Information Curation from the Library of Alexandria to the World Wide Web


In his debut Salon, Rafael Nepô will tackle the complexities in dealing with Information with a deep dive in Curation throughout history. “Humanity is at a turning point in its history. The mass of available information is formidable. New instruments are necessary for simplifying and condensing it or the intellect will never know how to overcome the…

Our Spaces on the Internet: Personal Websites and Social Media


In this Interintellect Salon, Dominic Duffin will lead an exploration of our spaces on the internet, how we use them, how or whether they represent us as individuals, their value as places for learning and experimentation, self-expression and socializing. Most of us probably have multiple spaces on the internet. Personal websites, blogs, social media accounts.…

A History of War: Attack Part 2 – The Factories of War


On May 11, Interintellect founder Anna Gát returns to discuss aspects of warfare, with a look at wartime production and inventions. We will discuss necessity and motivation, coordination and mass production, new physics and statistics: all the steel, bullets, zippers, airplanes – and the social change that takes place as they roll off the conveyor belt. This…