Improving the Funding and Practice of Good Science – Fireside Chat with Stuart Buck


Join Stuart Buck, philanthropist and founder of the Good Science Project, to explore issues with funding agencies and actionable strategies for improving the funding and practice of science. A members-only fireside chat, moderated by Nicky Buttigieg. "Funding agencies should engage in bold experimentation to reduce bureaucracy, fund new ideas, and speed up innovation. Moreover, they…


Where is the Recession?

New York NY

I am Kyla (kylascan on Twitter, run the kyla substack, basically am all across the interwebs with a YouTube channel and the Let's Appreciate podcast). I am writing a book called "In This Economy?" with Penguin Randomhouse, an intro guide discussing what the economy really means, and our role as humans in it. I am a…


Venice Picnic – Reflecting on the Past and Present


Pavel is an engineer and community builder, striving to collectively develop our abundance mindsets through his long-term project -- -- and substack, On Humanity. We will gather to get to know one another and converse about our respective interests and passions. As possible icebreakers, you will be invited to share either of: what you enjoy about international travel,…


VR Books Are Coming: Trae Stephens Discusses *Sol Reader*


Join VR reading app Sol Reader co-founder Trae Stephens for an exclusive exploration of this new product and the future of books. Members only, moderated by Interintellect founder Anna Gát. "Stone. Papyrus. Paper. Pixels. Sol. In this era of constant beeps, alerts and updates, what will the next evolution of reading look like? Simply lean…


Neon Girls – Author Talk with Jennifer Worley and Marian Solis | New Labor Book Series #12


Join us for a discussion with Dr. Jenny Worley about her book, Neon Girls: A Stripper's Education in Protest and Power, which documents Worley’s experiences as a graduate student and stripper at the Lusty Lady Theater in San Francisco, and Marian Solis, current UCLA Labor Studies major and dancer and organizer with the Star Garden…


Existential Epistemology: What, Why and How?


In the first episode of the series, we will lay the groundwork for the entire course by delving into the ontological premises upon which epistemology is built. From these foundations, we will explore the resulting fundamental principles that guide our thinking processes. The topics discussed in the episode will include: What are the most fundamental…


“The 100-Year Life” – SuperSalon with Andrew J. Scott


Shall we, could we live forever? Join Peter Isztin for a captivating SuperSalon with Andrew J Scott, distinguished fellow economist and renowned expert on longevity and aging. Together, we will dive into the multifaceted implications of extended lifespans and explore their wide-ranging effects. Andrew J Scott is a leading Professor of Economics at the London…


Ask Me Anything with Bryan Kam

ii Discord Community Forum

Interintellect host and Fellow Bryan Kam will be hosting a text-based AMA in the ii Discord Community Forum. Ask him anything! Join us for an exciting AMA (Ask Me Anything) event with Bryan Kam, where you can ask him anything and delve into his wealth of knowledge and experiences. Post your questions to the #bryan_kam_salons…


Thinking about Not-knowing: Actions and Results


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. Not-knowing what actions and results are possible simply means admitting the possibility that there are actions to be taken that we don't know about yet, and they might produce outcomes that we haven't yet thought about. This form of not-knowing is the source of new…


Uncertainty and Stress: A Polyvagal Theory Perspective


All humans are on a never-ending quest for safety. We have a sophisticated mechanism, called neuroception, to help us detect cues of threat and safety in our environment, within our interpersonal interactions, and even within ourselves.   Why does this matter? Because the state of our autonomic nervous system conditions and sets the stage for…
