Experimental Writing: Creative Toolbox Series – Session Three


The blank page can be a fearsome enemy. Writer, teacher and experimenter Char Putney knows this all too well. But we don't have to approach it with too much seriousness — there's never been a more exciting time to play with words. In this 3-part series, we'll get hands-on with experimental writing techniques from many…


*MEMBERS-ONLY* Community Meet & Greet

ii Café Voice Channel

“Community Meet & Greet” is an on-going series, where Interintellect Community Manager Nicky Buttigieg will welcome new members and introduce them to our community. If you're new to the Interintellect community, come introduce yourself and get to know other community members. If you've been a part of our community for a while, then come hang…


Haunted by Alternate Universes: What Are the Other “Yous” Up To?


We’ve all had pivotal moments that permanently altered the trajectories of our lives. Maybe it was deciding on college majors or whether to move to a country for a job. Maybe it was committing to a relationship or breaking off an engagement. What makes these choices so hard? Our anxiety around decision-making stems from the…


✨ London IRL: Community Gathering ✨

London, Barbican

Spend an evening socialising with fellow Interintellect members, exchanging ideas and forming meaningful connections. Hope to see you there! 


*MEMBERS ONLY* Community Chats | Reading


Interintellect Community Manager Nicky Buttigieg hosts a casual hangout to chat about what we've been reading. Let's talk about what we've been spending our time reading—books, poems, blog posts, newsletterism whatever you've been enjoying and curious about! *** 🗓 ii Calendar | 📋 Code of Conduct | 📚 Become a Member


Washington DC Social: The Uncertainties of Abundance

Washington DC

We're once again gathering in Washington DC in person to talk about all things community, friendship, and independent scholarship. At this event, we will focus on the anxieties that come with building abundance. We can't wait to see you all! The exact location of this event will be shared via email and in our community's…


Hosting 101: How To Write a Good Listing They’ll Want to Attend


In this training, we’ll go back to the basics and cover best practices around salon structures and how to write good copy. What is a good way to market your salon? We’ll focus on what a good listing explains, and how to structure your salon accordingly. If you’ve ever wondered: How do I make any…


*MEMBERS-ONLY* What Does Money Have To Do With Work? | Explore Your Relationship to Money


What does money mean to you? Join Mary Bajorek, an Interintellect fellow, in her third installment of the 12-week journey of rehabilitating our work life, in which we’ll dive into the topic of money and how it relates to our work and lives. For some of us, money represents fears of scarcity, a signal of…


*FREE Public Event*| Philosophical Hope in Science and Religion


Who are we to talk about Teilhard de Chardin’s ambitious infusion of philosophical theology and science? We believe it takes a team of enthusiasts to honestly attend to Teilhard de Chardin. Thus, we are embracing a Philosopher (PhD Researcher) named Christophe Porot, Twitter @PorotChristophe; a Neuropsychologist (PhD, Post Doc Researcher) named Donald Frederick, Twitter @neurofoo;…
