Ask Me Anything with Interintellect Fellow Zelda Poem


Join this Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session to ask Zelda Poem any questions you have on your mind! Her current focus is helping young hackers, dropouts and founders become socially and emotionally abled. Interintellect Fellow and host Zelda Poem is seeking to make singular educational paths mainstream, and has been speaking to people on the richness and…


Places That Hurt, Spaces That Heal


We all know the experience of sitting in a particular space and feeling energized, inspired, and refreshed. And we've all tried and failed to be productive in a place that drains our energy and blunts our motivation. So what distinguishes these places? Explore research in cognitive neuroscience and psychology that demonstrate how places are central…


[Invite Only] NYC Philosophical Party – DJ set by Skye Cleary inspired by Nietzsche!

New York NY

A unique offline Interintellect social where we'll explore Nietzsche's philosophical insights into comedy, tragedy, and life's meaning, framed in engaging discourse. We'll enhance the experience by dancing to Dr. Skye Cleary's DJ set, meticulously crafted and inspired by Nietzsche's philosophy! We invite you to prime yourself with Skye's thought-provoking piece, "Searching for the good life," before…

Tools for Stress Resilience Series: #1 Values–Who You Are


If you’re feeling a constant level of stress, join the “Tools for Stress Resilience” series. It is hosted by Interintellect host Mariya Hoffman, a somatic mindfulness instructor with a specialty in Focusing and Polyvagal Theory. We all get knocked down by life at some point. A serious health issue might impact us or someone we love.…
