Down the Rabbit Hole: The Infinite Curiosity Atlas (II)


Fellow InterIntellect Helena Ng invites you to take a Play Day and join forces with some friendly curiosity buddies for a communal nerding session. Last month at Camp Curiosity, we discussed the technique of deconstruction and applied it to ideal emotional states across cultures, which led to the emotional dissonance of tech, then a citizen…

Spontaneous Order and the “Un-tragedy” of the commons : From the Scottish Enlightenment through Hayek to Jane Jacobs and Elinor Ostrom

“Unfortunately, many analysts – in academia, special-interest groups, governments, and the press – still presume that common-pool problems are all dilemmas in which the participants themselves cannot avoid producing suboptimal results, and in some cases disastrous results.” ~ Elinor Ostrom, Governing the Commons The tragedy of the commons is all too common. From climate change…

Writer’s Corner: Short Fiction in Theory and Practice — Session 2: Ernest Hemingway


Welcome to Writer’s Corner where we talk about and practice the craft of writing. Join Sylvia R in this session where we will focus on Hemingway. This session will focus on Hemingway and will be structured as follows: Section 1: Discuss We’ll dive into the formal qualities of "Indian Camp" (see pre-salon reading materials). We’ll discuss…

Down the Rabbit Hole: Into the Curiosity Verse (III)


Fellow InterIntellect Helena Ng invites you to set up a personal Play Calendar of the month & join forces with fellow attendees to create more playtime in our lives. In the last Camp Curiosity salon, our fellow members huddled together in a collective reflection for all the thoughts, feelings, and re-negotiations we've had to experience…

The Story of Industrial Civilization: Introduction


Progress writer Jason Crawford is writing a book about this world and how it was invented. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. Behind the world of our daily lives, there is a hidden world, one that keeps our world running.…

The Town and the Country Through Time


In this first salon of a three part series Henry Dashwood invites you to explore the similarities, differences, and relationships between rural and urban life.  At length the townsman cries: "I wonder how You can live here, friend, on this hill's rough brow: Take my advice, and leave these ups and downs, This hill and dale, for humankind and…

The Story Of Philosophy Series – The Greek Philosophers Part Two


Join London ii Hosts Flick Hardingham and Irene JK to discuss and examine Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics, his life, and other views, exploring how his ideas might be relevant (or not) in today’s society and how they might serve us into the future. The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) made significant and lasting contributions to nearly…

Nature vs. Nurture Part 2/2: Nurturing Our Nature and Cultivating Talent (with Harry Ramsay)


In Part 2 of this two-part salon, Harry Ramsay will lead the conversation beyond mere definitions of talent into an expositional, participatory dialogue about how we can best cultivate what talents we have - in our friends, our children, and (of course) ourselves. --- Having already deliberated the nature of talent in Part 1 of…