Conversations on Traveling


As COVID restrictions relax, traveling has gotten back on the radar for many of us. Join 3 year vagrant Johnson Hsieh for some thoughtful conversations about traveling. Some questions we’ll explore: How do we relate to travel and status? What do I want out of travel?  What am I running away from by traveling? How…


Someday Mija, You’ll Learn the Difference Between a Whore and a Working Woman – Author Talk with Yvonne Martinez | New Labor Author Series #7


Join us for our next author talk in our worker organizing series, with Yvonne Martinez to discuss her new memoir, Someday Mija, You'll Learn the Difference Between a Whore and a Working Woman. The book chronicles Yvonne’s upbringing and family history in a Mexican family in Utah, weaving together how discoveries about family secrets including…


The Other Conservation: The Role Of Heritage In The 21st Century


What is conservation when we are not talking about the environment? Come join museum conservator Angélica Isa in a discussion about the conservation of art and monuments. Why do we conserve? Who do we conserve for? Let’s get together to pick apart concepts about the restoration of art, the ethical aspects of material interventions, and…


Is Twitter Over? – Planning the Next Stage of Interintellect Hosts’ Social Media Use


Join us for a casual Town Hall in the Interintellect Discord to discuss the state of Twitter and planning the next stage of Interintellect hosts' social media use. (Click on the ii Cafe voice channel upon arrival and join via audio or video as you prefer). *** NOTE: THIS EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE…
