New York IRL: Expansive Conversations – Sowing Seeds

Manhattan, New York NY

Join writer and meditation teacher, Grace Bialecki, for the next episode of a new New York City IRL series, 'Expansive Conversations,' where we'll discuss poetry, authenticity, and self-actualization. Tending a garden is a way of cultivating hope and creating our own version of the world we want to live in. We’ll read excerpts from Ross…

Terrific Twos: Understanding Toddlers

Join Montessori Infant and Toddler Guide, Beatriz Freitas, and explore the Montessori perspective on toddlers! Whether you’re expecting a child, already have one or more, this salon is designed for you! Terms like “terrible twos” and “threenagers” are often used by adults to paint a picture of toddlers as disruptive, manipulative, demanding “little dictators” with…


Educating with Respect: Unschooling and Self-Directed Learning

What is the goal of education? Who decides what's important to learn or not? Martha Sharpe has been exploring alternative education for years to find what works for her family. Join her as we talk about the approach that flipped her understanding of education upside-down. In this series, Parenting Unlocked: Simplifying the Impossible, each month…


Making Room for the Weird: Carlos Eire on the Paranormal in a Secular Age

Join Yale History professor Carlos Eire and theologian-novelist Tara Isabella Burton for a conversation on Eire's new book They Flew: a history of the paranormal and inexplicable in the early modern world, and what it can tell us about our current age of "weirdness" against a backdrop of seeming secularism. The early modern era was a…


Contemporary Faith


What could a modern, intellectually honest religiosity look like? Last time, we talked about the value of intellectual humility and having the wisdom to sometimes sacrifice the notion of truly…

Recurring Event Philosophy as Play

Philosophy as Play


A light exploration of existential and abstract philosophical issues, in dialogue with Christophe Porot, a Scholar in Residence at Cambridge University and a lover of both advanced and amateur explorations of philosophy. This series of open-ended discussions will run each Tuesday in the #ii Café voice and video channel on the Interintellect community forum on…

The Wealth Of Nations Reading Group, Part 4


Read and discuss the most important work of economics in the Western canon. Hosted by Ben Landau-Taylor—join this discussion below or join the full reading group series here. The Wealth Of Nations laid the foundations of modern economic theory when it was published in 1776. While the structure of the economy has changed substantially since…
