Gudit: the Myth, Legends, and History of the Woman who Destroyed the Aksumite Empire


Hello! My name is Andy, you probably know me as the host of the History of Africa Podcast. The Aksumite Empire was a fascinating empire that dominated East Africa for a millennium. Its hegemony came crashing down around the year 960, when a mysterious woman named Gudit destroyed the struggling empire once and for all,…


A Living Economists Society Salon: Ben Bernanke, Money, and Banking


The Dead Economists Society returns....except this time it is the Living Economists Society! Each month we will concentrate on the works of a particular living economist. Don't expect much esotery; the series will revolve around real-world economic and social issues! Our first living economist is none other than the newly minted Nobel Prize winner Ben…


What Information Wants, Chapter 8: Internet Virals Run Amok


Rhys Lindmark is writing a book about how information flows and how it’s changing on the internet. In a series of salons, we will explore this content together, chapter by chapter, and get an inside look at the author’s creative process. This is the 9th salon for Rhys Lindmark’s series on What Information Wants. Join us…


Web3 and Cryptoeconomics: New Economic Fundamentals with Alex Tabarrok


Alex Tabarrok, Professor of Economics at George Mason University, joins hosts Alaka Halder and Wes Chow to discuss cryptoeconomics – the combination of cryptography and economics – which provides a lens into how web3 is opening up fundamentally new ways of trading, cooperating, and communicating This will be an exciting, accessible conversation on the foundations…


Atlanta IRL: Sustaining the Flourishing!

Atlanta, GA GA

Join host Helen Nde, Atlanta-based, Cameroonian-born writer and artist for an IRL salon in Atlanta. How have we flourished during the last year? How will we ensure our continued flourishing in the future? How can the Interintellect community support this flourishing? In 2020, the first ever Interintellect IRL was held in Atlanta to discuss the…


Science and Religion: Strangers, Friends or Foes?


Hi, I am Arkadiusz Synowczyk and I study philosophy at Newcastle University (UK). I specialize in epistemology and philosophy of science. Come and join me to explore the relationship between science and religion!  Are religion and science in contact with each other? For example, are they in conflict? Are they independent from each other? For…


How to be a Cartoonist


Hello, I'm Clive Goddard, UK cartoonist and chair of the Professional Cartoonists' Organisation (PCO).  I've managed to earn a living for the last 25 years in the ever-shrinking world of gag cartoons in newspapers, magazines, and books. The glory days of cartoons in print are sadly behind us now, but it is still possible to…


Sci-Fi Odyssey: A Tour Through the Great Works of Speculative Fiction – Philip K. Dick


Come join David White for the next installment of a salon series dedicated to exploring the themes, ideas, and world-building of science fiction. We will be exploring the world of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and exploring what it means to be human in a world of lifelike androids. We will talk about humankind’s place in the…


Through the Pillars of Hercules: The Invention of Science Fiction in the Ancient World


Join Classicist Ashley Mehra and linguist Colin Gorrie to explore the roots of science fiction in the ancient world. In the second century Roman Empire, the Syrian satirist Lucian of Samosata wrote a short novel called A True Story (Greek: Ἀληθῆ διηγήματα, Latin: Vera Historia). In A True Story, the author reports a series of…
