Thinking about Not-knowing #9: The Fog of Time


Join Vaughn Tan in building a better relationship with the not-knowing that surrounds us. In episodes 6-8, we discussed how not-knowing arises in relation to actions, outcomes, causation, and value. Episode 9 is about how futurity affects not-knowing. Our present actions affect future outcomes, but the actions we can take and the outcomes we pursue also change over…


The Beginning of Infinity: The Multiverse


In his Interintellect series, Phil Filippak will talk about Critical Rationalism and major ideas from David Deutsch’s book 'The Beginning of Infinity'. Quantum theory has given us an incredibly powerful computational tool but its nature still remains a mystery. Or is it just that many of us think so? David Deutsch argues that the nature of…


2,000 Years of AI Doom: A Cultural History

Join Jon Evans, founding director of the GitHub Archive Program, software engineer and sci-fi novelist, for an enlightening talk on the cultural history of AI doom.  Over the last year, fears of an AI apocalypse have spread from Twitter's weirder fringes to The Financial Times, The Economist, and The Wall Street Journal, publications not exactly known for doomsaying…


Introducing Our Expat Journeys


Since 2015, Patricia Hurducas, a writer and design researcher, has lived across Europe, exploring how our surroundings influence our quality of life. With deep, firsthand knowledge of the challenges and rewards of moving abroad, she invites you to join her series. Centered on creative projects and personal accountability, this series is tailor-made for those on the…
