WORDS WORTH – A Phat Propah Profound Pleasurable Prose Potluck


Debut host Sach Holden hosts a potluck book club! Have you ever stopped midway through a page and had an intense feeling or an insight and just wanted to share the author and those beautiful words with friends? Join our Interintellect members as we share a paragraph, a page, or a passage from our favourite…


Telling A Concrete Story, a three-part writing workshop on industrial fiction: Part 1


How can we inspire more progress in science and technology? Industrial fiction is one way to imagine our way into that reality. This writing workshop is for anyone who wants to hone their skills in telling stories about and around technical subject matter. Join Liz Voeller and Chelsea Slaven-Davis in this engaging three-part series.  NOTE:…


Maps Lie To You


Join debut host Tom Fish (cartographer and author of FishEye) on a journey into how maps are not as reliable as you think they are. We use maps every day to…


Interintellect – London IRL Salon with Patricia Hurducas and Catherine Woodiwiss

London London

Interintellect hosts Patricia Hurducas and Catherine Woodiwiss will host a casual community gathering in London. We will come together for dinner and engage in a discussion about books, friendship, life, communities, and philosophy. The location will be announced to the participants one week in advance. Please note that you must RSVP to this event to attend. …


Why is it so Expensive?


Silicon Valley native currently in exile Max Dostart-Meers is focused on the intersection of the good life, the just society, and techno-optimistic capitalism. You can follow him on Twitter. Part of the Saving the City series, this salon asks: Why does it cost so much to build anything nowadays? In this salon, we will talk…


Understanding Addiction Part Three: Unlearning Addiction

Part Three of the Understanding Addiction series hosted by psychologist and neuroscientist Marc Lewis, and drug, policy, and intervention researcher and activist Shaun Shelly.  In the third salon, in a series of four, Marc Lewis will discuss Internal Family Systems (IFS) to overcome dependent drug use, and Shaun Shelly will focus on the usefulness of…
