Live From The Green Room: Interintellect Hosts Catch Up (January)


Hey hosts!   How are you plunging into this new year? Perhaps by starting new projects, hosting new salons, or finding a new partner in crime?    Getting back in the groove can be difficult, especially if you’re doing it alone. As we wrap up the first month of the year, let’s help keep each…


Transformative Breakthroughs: On Radical Dissolution of Limiting Perspective


In this Interintellect Salon, Sicong Shen and Katrina Dela Cruz lead a discussion on moments of transformative internal change. In many cases, the frames through which we interpret ourselves and the world can be hugely limiting. Left unexamined and unquestioned, our perspectives have the power to keep us trapped in cycles of fear, suffering, and…


Iridescent Cinema: Metaphor and Encoded Meaning in Film and Television


Join artist and film-maker Olga Yakimenko in sharing interpretations of films and TV shows that are greater than the sum of their parts. The tools involved in the making of film and television allow for sophisticated indirect communication of ideas: complex concepts are transmitted to our senses using cinematography, sound, design, editing, and the human…
