Brooklyn Interintellect – Prospect Park Meetup

Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY

Join Interintellect host and editor Timothy Wilcox along with fellow Interintellects for an afternoon of casual discussion in Brooklyn's Prospect Park. On what should hopefully be a wonderful Spring day, come for a nice outdoor hangout. We can meet and grab food at the recently re-opened Smorgasburg food market (located on the park's Breeze Hill),…


What Dreams May Come

In this salon, Tanya Raj will lead a deep dive discussion on dreams and their various textures. Come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned ~Peter Pan Dreams are an integral part of our lives, whether we pay attention to them or not. As children we have dreamt of indescribable infinities;…


Canceled:Machines That Care – History Of Love Ep.5 – With Anna Gát

Interintellect founder Anna Gát continues her series A History of Love with an episode focusing on the Long Nineteenth Century, from the French Revolution to the sinking of the Titanic.  The only recent century more turbulent than the 20th must have been the one before it, the infamous nineteenth century, with its prudes and its colonists,…


Is the Self an Illusion?

Are you interested in the foundational texts and topics that have shaped psychedelic use and research today? Join hosts Alex Criddle and Ava for a monthly series on these fundamental ideas and texts that have shaped psychedelia. One of the most common topics surrounding psychedelics is ego dissolution: the notion that your ego dissolves and…


Exploring Liminal Spaces


Join returning host Scott Davies in a typically wide-ranging and freeform discussion on the idea of liminal spaces, both physical and mental, and the effects these have on our personal lives and society at large. All are welcome and all perspectives are encouraged in this salon. Liminal Spaces are conventionally thought of as physical spaces…


Host Office Hours: Planning Your Salon (in the ii Café)

ii Café Voice Channel

For all hosts new and old (and prospective!): Have you always wanted to start and need a pair of eyes on your salon ideas? Do you have a salon coming up and want to give it your best? Do you want a second opinion on possible event types? Join Interintellect editor Tim to discuss the…