Introduction to Non-Dual Insight: The Poem ‘Faith in Mind’


Join Topi Heikkerö to explore one of the first Ch’an (Zen) Buddhist poems: “Faith in Mind” by Master Sengcan, the Third Chinese Ch’an patriarch. This brief poem puts forth the central teaching of non-duality in clear and yet profound way. “The Supreme Way is not difficult If only you don’t pick and choose.” In this…


The Post-Achievement Professional: Life Beyond the Goal Posts


I'm Khe Hy. I chased money on Wall Street and fame on the Internet only to discover that neither could deliver true freedom. As a fellow Post-Achievement professional, my love language is "let me show you everything I've accomplished." Yet when you strip it all away, all you're left with a vexing question: Who am…




Join Dr. Jason Rheins, a scholar of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, for a salon on who Socrates (469-399 BCE) was, and what he can mean for us today. Socrates. The Oracle at Delphi proclaimed him the wisest of the Greeks, yet he supposedly claimed to know nothing but his own ignorance. He was poor…
