Unlocking the World’s Potential: How Grants Are Taking Over As a Key Funding Model

Join Interintellect founder Anna Gát for a panel on grant making and grant winning with experts Atman Pandya (O'Shaughnessy Fellowships), Shruti Rajagopalan (Emergent Ventures India), Arnaud Schenk (Polaris), and Benjamin Yeoh (Then Do Better) 🚀. Are you interested in grant funding and how grants are won? Would you like to explore the current landscape and…



Join Dr. Jason Rheins, a scholar of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, for a salon on who Socrates (469-399 BCE) was, and what he can mean for us today. Socrates.…


Poems for Our Time: Remembering Childhood


Interested in cultivating your inner poet? Join us for Poems for Our Time where we'll slow down, explore contemporary poetry, and connect with our creativity. Hosted by writer, workshop facilitator, and meditation teacher, Grace Bialecki. Poetry is a place of solace, a place of mystery, a place where we can delve deeper into live’s questions and…


Never a Lost Cause: Could American Healthcare Learn from Europe?

Join economist Amy Finkelstein, co-author of 'We've Got You Covered,' and Rohit Krishnan for a SuperSalon discussion on tearing down and rebuilding American health care system! The US had the world's first national compulsory health insurance law in 1798, signed by President John Adams. But now, the American healthcare system is broken, leaving millions uninsured…
